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Los Bateles



Average length: 1.400 m
Swimming conditions: moderate waters

Next to the city center there are several beach accesses, elevated walkways, that branch off from the parking lots and the promenade. Between the shore and the promenade, lies a large area of sand with abundant vegetation at the back, sand dune vegetation in some areas, and wetland vegetation in the area nearest the Salado River, which marks the end of the beach at its southeastern end. This area of vegetation was formerly the natural mouth of the river. Most of the social activity during the summer months is found around this beach.

During the month of May, tuna fishing occurs, known as the “levantá de la almadraba.” Associated with this event, every year the Gastronomic Tuna Route takes place.

Atunes en el Paraíso

El milenario arte de de la almadraba, usada para la pesca del atún rojo, ha determinado el devenir de muchos pueblos costeros gaditanos. Los atunes lo tienen claro. Se vienen al paraíso.

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